On the feast of All Souls, the Sacred Heart Knights of Columbus delivered the proceeds from the 12th annual Sacred Heart Baby Bottle Boomerang to HELP Pregnancy Crisis Aid. Through the generosity of the Sacred Heart parish community and the hard work of the Knights, our 2016 Baby Bottle Boomerang raised $2300 to help women and babies in need. This year’s donation pushes our 12 year total to over $20,000 raised in support of the unborn and HELP Pregnancy Crisis Aid.
If you still have a baby bottle, please drop it in the white container at the back of the church. The Knights need every bottle for next year.
Through the Knights of Columbus Ultrasound Initiative, Knights of Columbus councils have teamed up with the Supreme Council to fund over 700 ultrasound machines, costing over $20 million. These ultrasounds have been placed in all 50 states, as well as in Canada, Guatemala, Jamaica, and Peru.
Details on the 2015 Baby Bottle Boomerang.