The Sacred Heart Knights of Columbus and Sacred Heart Academy worked together to collect donations for the Thank You Mom For Life Campaign. All items collected went to HELP Pregnancy Crisis Aid. The Knights and Academy are proud to be helping struggling moms who chose life. Follow the link for more detail about a new record collection level.
Author: mykofc13641
Mentally Impaired Tootsie Roll Drive Results
The Sacred Heart Knights of Columbus completed their 2016 drive collecting funds to help our brothers and sisters with mental disabilities. View results and pictures from the drive here.
Persecution of Middle East Christians
The Knights of Columbus applaud the finding of the US State Department that ISIS is committing genocide. Since the beginning of this crisis the Knights have supported persecuted Christians with funds. Archbishop William E. Lori, Supreme Chaplain has offered the following Prayer for persecuted Christians.
Funding A Future Father
The Sacred Heart Knights of Columbus sponsored the Funding a Future Father lasagna dinner on February 20th to support our seminarian. Details on the dinner and how the Knights support seminarians is available here.
600 Ultra Sound Machines and Counting
In only seven years the Knights of Columbus have purchased and helped to install 600 Ultra Sound Machines in numerous states. Click here for more details…
Sacred Heart Academy March For Life
The Sacred Heart Knights of Columbus are proud to help sponsor the trip to Washington DC for the March For Life 2016. Additional details are available here.
Chili Cook Off
Thank you to all who attended the 2nd annual Sacred Heart Knights Chili Cook Off on Tuesday, January 19th. More details and winners available here.
Holy Family Image
The Knight’s Holy Family image was displayed at Sacred Heart from December 15th through December 22nd. The image is part of a order wide prayer program designed to pray for and strengthen the family. See more details here.
Free Throw Championship
The Sacred Heart Knights of Columbus council Free Throw Championship competition details and entry forms are now available.
Council Receives Supreme Contest of Champions Award
The Sacred Heart council is honored to receive the Contest of Champions award for the Michigan district. The award was presented by our district deputy Bob Grove at our December 14th council meeting.
The Contest of Champions Award is presented to two councils in each state jurisdiction: the council with the highest percentage growth in membership, and the council with the highest numerical gain in membership. No application is required for this award as eligibility is automatically determined by the Supreme Council.
The Sacred Heart council is honored to be recognized for our work in membership and programs. Thank you to all the men of the council who helped bring this award to Sacred Heart. View a picture from the presentation here.